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Mammoth Grip Handles will Save Your Fingers

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These are Mammoth Grips, high-strength handles that can help you more comfortably hold a shockingly vast range of products.

At the least, they help to save your fingers from plastic grocery bags that would otherwise dig in. Yep, I’m a “carry as much one trip” type of grocery shopper, usually because I’m always hungry when I come back from the store and try be as fast as possible.

The Mammoth Grips can carry a LOT of plastic bags, and the weight is evenly distributed in my hands without any hot spots.

What I also like about these handles is that you can load them on one or both sides. When loading something on just one side, the handles still feel very comfortable and balanced.

Following is a list of the types of things you can carry with it. I tested the Mammoth Grip handles with about half of them, and you can see the others in usage examples on the company’s website.

Mammoth Grip Handles Carrying Paint Cans

The Mammoth Grip handles can be used to carry:

  • Plastic shopping bags
  • Paint cans
  • 5 gallon buckets
  • Propane tanks (20 lb size)
  • Clothes hangers
  • Hay bales
  • Juice and water jugs
  • Sports equipment bags

I can see these being useful for carrying other types of things too, such as duffel bags with thin and coarse straps.

Mammoth Grips are made in the USA. Right now they’re only available in orange, and I like the color, as it makes the handles very quick to locate.

The handles each have a weight capacity of 100 pounds.

I was a little worried about how well they’d hold up over time, but they’ve performed comfortably and seem to be exceptionally durable.

Price: $20 for a 2-pack (plus shipping)

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