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The Mora Chisel Knife is Exactly What it Looks Like

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The Mora chisel knife is a knife with a chisel tip. Or is it a chisel with a beveled knife edge?

It’s part of Morakniv’s Craftline series of fixed-blade knives aimed at hard utility use, and is officially described as a Pro chisel for carpentry and construction applications.

The knife features a 3-inch blade with single-bevel edges, and TPE rubber handle for a secure grip. Its overall length is 7-3/4 inches. The carbon steel blade is 3.1mm (~1/8″) thick and should sharpen easily.

Mora Chisel Knife

I’m a fan of Mora Craftline knives. They’re essentially slabs of sharpened steel with comfortable handles. The quality is good, and the pricing usually more than fair. They offer high utility at reasonable pricing.

Mora Chisel Knife Blade Spine

The knife’s edge is “raw” and unground for the purpose of being “rugged and value oriented.” In other words, Mora doesn’t put unnecessary time or labor into making the back the edge of the blade looking pretty.

Similar is true for other Morakniv Craftline series knives.

Mora Chisel Knife with Sheath

It comes with a plastic sheath with belt loop for keeping the knife secure and accessible.

Price: $17
COO: Made in Sweden

Hultafors Chisel Knife

If you’re on the fence because of the price tag, Hultafors has something similar for under $10.

Dewalt Side Strike Chisel

If you want something more chisel-like and less knife-like, the Dewalt Side Strike chisel is also reasonably priced at just $15.

I’ve had one for a long time and it has worked well.

My chisel’s front edge is looking rather gnarly, and I’m pretty sure fixing it will require grinding away a fair amount of metal. The Side Strike chisel was hard to find for a while, but now that I see it’s available again, I might add a fresh one to my tool kit.
