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A Cordless Gas-Free Walk-Behind Trowel? Milwaukee’s Got It

Concrete finishing is critical to getting the results your clients demand and walk-behind trowels are a big help. Dealing with a gas engine or trailing a cord is so last decade. Thanks to the brilliant folks at Milwaukee, there’s an MX Fuel cordless version coming to a jobsite near you!

Milwaukee MX Fuel 36-Inch Walk-Behind Trowel Specifications

  • Model: MXF336-3HD
  • Power Source: Milwaukee MX Fuel battery
  • Speed: 130 RPM
  • Power Equivalent: 5HP
  • Ring Diameter: 36 inches
  • Clutch: Direct
  • Pitch: Fine pitch dial
  • Weight: 164 pounds

Milwaukee MX Fuel 24-Inch Walk-Behind Edging Trowel Specifications

  • Model: MXF336-3HD
  • Power Source: Milwaukee MX Fuel battery
  • Speed: 160 RPM
  • Power Equivalent: 5HP
  • Ring Diameter: 24 inches
  • Clutch: Direct
  • Pitch: Fine pitch dial
  • Weight: 124 pounds

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The post A Cordless Gas-Free Walk-Behind Trowel? Milwaukee’s Got It appeared first on Pro Tool Reviews.
